Minggu, 03 April 2011

Mata, Telinga, Lidah : Yuk, jaga baik-baik!

Speaker : Cici Lisa
Scene : Tunas Remaja GPdI VMM

1. Mata
Mazmur 119 : 37 --> useful things
Amsal 4 : 25 --> look forward to God
Matius 5 : 29 --> eye as the light of our body

2. Telinga
Amsal 2 : 2 --> God's Word only
Mazmur 34 : 15 --> God is a good listener
Matius 11 : 15

3. Lidah
Yakobus 3 : 5 --> tongue is fire
Mazmur 34, 52 --> tongue is like a knife, even can judge dead or alive
Let's use tongue as healing tools and "the choosen silver"

*Source of everything = Heart
Amsal 4 : 23

Berbahagialah orang yang suci hatinya karena mereka akan melihat Allah - Mat 5 : 8

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